The assessment process

Our assessment process starts with a 30-minute triage phone call. Our team of experts will have a conversation with you – parents and caregivers – about your concerns.

What’s the assessment process?

1. Telephone consultation

At the end of the free telephone consultation, should we feel an assessment is needed, we’ll invite you to a longer, face-to-face appointment either at our clinics in Pinner, North London or Centennial Medical in Elstree, which is also in North London. You can book your assessment slot online, where we will also ask for payment to secure your time.

2. Assessment and feedback

We will meet you for a face-to-face session at our centre in Pinner, North London or at Centennial Medical Centre in Elstree. Two clinicians will be available to spend time with you. Depending on your child’s age and needs, this may be separate – parents and carers will meet one clinician while your child will meet a second clinician, or one parent/caregiver can join the child while the other parent meets with the second clinician. Our experts will meet after the face-to-face session to discuss their findings. We will have a feedback session with you on the same day, if logistically possible, to share the outcome of the assessment.

3. Report

We’ll follow up the session with a full report which will be available shortly after your assessment, and you are welcome to have a further conversation to discuss the report and ask any questions.

Find out more

Find out more about the Gesher Assessment Centre process, or find the answer to your question on our FAQ page.

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